People have mentioned to me before that their level
of effort in classes depends greatly upon their teachers
and whether or not they were inspired by them.
I had never really thought this to be the case with me,
but I am starting to realise how incredibly it actually is.
Last term I had two wonderful engaging lecturers
and I absolutely loved attending their sessions and
doing the work for their courses. The professor for
my third course was quite dull but not entirely miserable,
and I discovered that I was doing only the bare minimum
(in my standards anyway) for his class. Luckily I had
taken the subject previously so I managed to do well
without spending much effort.
Also, one of the professors I enjoyed was actually not
even that great at teaching, but his passion and liveliness
were enough to inspire me to study on my own. So though
I may not have actually learned all that much from his
lectures themselves, I still learned a great deal more
just because his attitude made me appreciate the subject.
This term I have the more incredibly dull professor.
Her lectures are like elevator music in that it goes on in
a unexciting monotone that no matter how much focus
is paid to her nothing she says is memorable in the slightest.
Not only that, but she does not add a single thing
to her powerpoint presentations, and thus her lectures
are entirely not worth attending.
This provides quite a dilemma for me because I
am accustomed to attending all my lectures and tutorials,
but for once I truly think that either sleeping through
those two hours or spending that time just reading the
textbook would be vastly more beneficial.
Ah, what to do, what to do?
Nationalism vs. Sanity
13 years ago
Don't bother going - skip it. Doing laundry or something sounds more productive!
just because your not blessed with wonderful teachers this term, doesn't mean you should be bummed. i think its luck you had an oppertunity to learn with such great teachers. and hey, it seems to me that because of this shitty teacher, that youve come to appreciate good ones.
the one thing that gets me up for class is; im paying so much money to be heree....
Teachers, coaches and fathers are great role models. They shape our characters and and influence our thinking by their behavior, ideas and charisma. My father is probably the most important figure in my life. My basketball coaches in Serbia thought how secrifices and overcoming the pain are inportant to win the championships. In Hawaii at at HPU, I had a teacher that "opened my eyes" that made me think in non-convential way. I am grateful to all those wonderful people that inspired me and shaped my personality and my life choices.
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